புதுச்சேரி அரசு போக்குவரத்துக் கழகத்தின் அதிகாரப்பூர்வ வலைத்தளத்திற்கு வரவேற்கிறோம்
e-Auction for condemned old vehicles of various departments shall be conducted through online at https://eauction.gov.in from 22.2.2023 10 am to 24.2.2023 4.00 pm or till bid continued.
e-Auction for condemned old vehicles of various departments shall be conducted through online at https://eauction.gov.in from 16.2.2021 10 am to 19.2.2021 6.00 pm or till bid continued.
e-Tenders are invited for the disposal of unused spare parts of two, four wheelers and heavy vehicles belonging to the Govt. Automobile Workshop in single lot on 29-01-2021 10 am to 4 pm
e-Tenders are invited for the Implemention of Development, Customization, Deployment and Management of vehicle tracking platform for Safety & Enforcement as per AIS140 Specifications, in UT of Puducherry under Nirbhaya Framework
a.Bid documents for Manufacturing of High security Registration Plates for motor vehicles.
Request for Proposal(R.F.P.) for Smart Card Preparation.
Smart Card-R.F.P. Vol-I.
Smart Card-R.F.P. Vol-II.
Smart Card-R.F.P. Corrigendum.
Smart Card-R.F.P. Queries and Clarification.
Smart Card-R.F.P. Clarification.
Smart Card-Clarification sought from participant bidders on pre-Qualification criterion.
Smart Card-Eligible bidders for opening of Technical bid-Notice of Intimation.
Smart Card -Clarification sought/Power point presentation from the bidders before finalizing the Technical bid - Notice of